Monday, February 9, 2009

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Rough Proposal

We are interested in the idea of exchanging and sharing experiences through recordings from various geographic locations. Our first step in this process will be to design, produce and test various types of recording devices that will be easily integrated into an everyday garment of the participant's choice. In conjunction with the recording devices we will be making a website as a forum to share and listen to the sound clips collected as well as keeping our process documented in this blog. The central aspect of the site will be an interactive map, where the viewer can pick a location and listen to the library of sound files from that area. When a successful prototype is developed, we will use it to record a few sound experiences from our lives, upload them to the website, then personally distribute it to another individual with the instructions to repeat our process. The journey of the devices, from the hands of one participant to another will reflect the variation in data collected. The idea is to facilitate the recording of spontaneous sound clips of the "background" of lives in a vast array of locations. Our goal is to collect a large amount of audio information from various parts of the globe and bring them together into an accessible, virtual one. By studying sound environments through the lens of location we hope to gain an understanding of how geographic and physical experience function and coexist in a world where virtual travel is so prevalent.

Welcome to the project

This blog will serve as a documentation of a collaborative effort between Anna O. and myself as we explore geography and audio samplings. It is important that we publish our process here so we can gather from it a process which is easy to follow, for us, and for participants; please feel free to contact us if you have any helpful information/criticism/inspiration regarding the project!